The Daily Business Report has an excellent article, wherein they report that key players, including corporate counsel, are increasingly finding themselves under intense regulatory scrutiny. As a result, in-house lawyer liability for corporate misconduct is edging up. It is reported that between six and nine criminal or civil and administrative cases are brought against companies' top attorney every year. However panelists at the Association of Corporate Counsel annual meeting in Denver were unable to agree on the severity of the problem. Some have suggested that the job of general counsel is not safe. Others counter than the SEC is not on a witch-hunt for inside lawyers. Nevertheless, regulatory and economic pressures on in-house lawyers are underlying themes across many of the annual meeting's 80-plus panels and other events. Corporate counsel were generally considered exempt from scrutiny, as they were considered a corporation's legal advisers. However, corporate cou...
This blog discusses the latest trends in shipping, affecting shipowners, operators, ports, marinas, shippers, insurers and others with a stake in the maritime industry.