I have had numerous friends in the business approach me for my views on the effect the earthquake, and resulting tsunami, has had on the ports and coastlines of Japan. While I cannot imagine the human cost of this disaster and the impact to the Japanese economy, I would imagine that there was and will be, widespread repercussions for the shipping industry. Some of these I see briefly are as follows: Safe port issues Shipowners may be reluctant to call at particular Japanese ports in case they have become unsafe. This will require a review of the relevant charter party terms before deciding on which course of action to take. Where a charterparty has a safe port warranty, the warranty will be prospective. In other words, at the time of nomination, the port should be prospectively safe to approach, use and depart from for the period of the ship's likely visit to that port. In the case of time charters containing a safe port warranty, where the Japanese port was nominated prio...
This blog discusses the latest trends in shipping, affecting shipowners, operators, ports, marinas, shippers, insurers and others with a stake in the maritime industry.